Week 3

Jan 24 2022    
Week 3: Drs. Hugh Garavan and Dorota Jarecka talk about ABCD data sampling, participant recruitment and retention, and how to use and manage containers to keep tidy and reproducible computational environments!
Help and Resources: If you have questions about this week's material please post them to the ABCD-ReproNim Neurostars or the ABCD-ReproNim Slack.
Week 3 Assignments:

Week 3 Data Exercise: This week we ask that students complete a Data Exercise that asks questions about ABCD sampling, recruitment, and retention as well as using containers and ReproEnv. This week’s Data Exercise will require Docker be installed on your computer. Please download Docker and then follow the installation instructions. Please complete the Week 3 Data Exercise after viewing the Week 3 videos. Solutions for this week’s data exercise can be found on our GitHub

ABCD Data Access Confirmation: In order to access ABCD Study data you will need to obtain a Data Use Certification (DUC) from the NDA. We provide instructions on how to obtain ABCD data access to help with this process. Once you have an approved DUC please complete our ABCD Data Access Confirmation. Note that you do not need to have ABCD data access in order to take this course. This assignment is optional and does not count towards completion of the course. However, students who do not successfully complete this assignment will not be allowed to participate in Project Month.

Instructor Question and Answer Webcast Recording

Recorded in 2020. Note that course-related announcement made during this recording may be out of date. Please see the top of this page for 2022 Course announcements.

Week 3 Q&A Doc: Click here for written answers to the Q&A Doc.

Important Links and Platforms: